Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives


ProCyPhyS is a one year project funded by University Grenoble Alps, MSTIC department, with the aim to study privacy in cyberphysical system. A post-doc (H. Nouasse) has been hired to perform analysis of privacy protection through system-theoretic measures. We are interested with cyber-physical systems that can be viewed as systems of interconnected entities which are locally governed by difference equations of partial differential equations, namely intelligent transportation systems and indoor navigation. A first approach to analyze privacy preservation is to study observability of the overall system, see [8] where a large family of non-observable networks have been characterized for homogeneous systems of consensus type. In this approach, the network structure immunizes the overall system. A second approach, consists in adding information (noise) to the sensitive one: that is the differential privacy concept that leads to differential filtering where the aim is to develop an estimator that is robust enough according to the added noise [46]. In ProCyPhyS the main goal is to make the system partially nonobservable. The idea is to compress the state space while adding noise to the sensitive information in a smarter way.

Control of Cyber-Social Systems (C2S2)

C2C2 is a two year project funded by the University Grenoble Alpes, MSTIC department. Evolving from recent research on network systems, this exploratory project has the objective to concentrate on “cyber-social” systems, that is, complex systems with interacting social and technological components. A strong motivation for this novel research direction comes from the need for innovative tools for the management of vehicular traffic. In this application, state-of-the-art approaches concentrate on hard control actions, like traffic lights: instead, future management methods should exploit soft control actions aimed at controlling the traffic demand, that is, the aggregated behaviors of the drivers.